
The Sigma 35mm F1.four DG DN Art is a designed-for-mirrorless companion to the company'south showtime Global Vision lens, the 35mm F1.four DG HSM Art from 2012. Information technology's bachelor for both the L-mountain shared by Leica, Panasonic and Sigma, equally well equally for Sony E-mount and volition piece of work on both full-frame or APS-C cameras.

Its 35mm focal length and brilliant aperture get in well-suited to weddings, events and street photography, where its smaller, lighter blueprint relative to adapting the 2012 version to mirrorless cameras is a definite plus. And it has potential as a video lens as well, although with a caveat which we'll hash out shortly.

Bachelor from mid-May 2021, list pricing is set at $899.

All images edited in Adobe Camera Raw 13 with adjustments limited to white balance, exposure, highlights, shadows, white and blackness levels. Sharpening and noise reduction at ACR defaults.

Key specifications:

  • Mount: Sony East-mount and Leica/Panasonic/Sigma Fifty-mount
  • Focal length: 35mm (52.5mm with APS-C crop)
  • Aperture range: F1.4 - F16
  • Stabilization: No
  • Filter thread: 67mm
  • Close focus: 0.3m (11.8")
  • Maximum magnification: 0.19x
  • Diaphragm blades: xi
  • Hood: Included
  • Weight: Due east-mountain 640g (1.41 lb); Fifty-mount 645g (ane.42 lb)
  • Optical construction: fifteen elements in eleven groups (2 SLD, 1 ELD, 1 FLD, ii aspherical)
ISO 800 | i/2000 sec | F1.4 | Sony a7R Four
Photo by Jordan Drake

The 'original' 35mm F1.4 Art from 2012 was designed for utilize with D/SLR cameras, whose sales at that indicate nonetheless dwarfed those of the fledgling mirrorless market. It was later modified for compatibility with E-mount and L-mount mirrorless cameras likewise, but this compatibility came at the expense of increased weight and butt length, to account for the decreased flange-back distance of the mirrorless systems.

By contrast, the new lens is designed specifically to accept advantage of the shorter flange-dorsum altitude of mirrorless cameras.

ISO 100 | 1/640 sec | F4 | Panasonic S1R
Photo by Dan Bracaglia

It's non quite the dark-and-day divergence we saw with the recent Sigma 85mm F1.4 DG DN Art, but information technology'south still quite noticeable. Compared to the before versions of the 35mm F1.4 Art lens, this new model has shrunk past 8mm (0.3") in length, and shed a non insignificant 110-115g (iii.ix-four.1 oz) in weight.

Too as the before lens, which remains available as of this writing for a discounted price of $799, the new 35mm F1.iv DG DN has several other direct competitors. The Sigma 35mm F2 DG DN and 35mm F1.2 DG DN for example are bachelor for both Due east-mountain and L-mountain. And for Sony shooters, the splendid Sony Fe 35mm F1.4 G Chief lens is definitely worthy of consideration.

ISO 100 | 1/1000 sec | F1.4 | Panasonic S1R
Photo by Dan Bracaglia

Sigma's 35mm F2 is more consumer-friendly, with a slightly less brilliant discontinuity and weather-sealing but at the lens mountain, but information technology's smaller, lighter and at $639, costs about a third less.

The Sigma 35mm F1.two, meanwhile, is a lot larger, weighs near twice equally much and at $1499 costs around two-thirds more than the F1.4. But you also get an even brighter aperture with shallower depth of field and a quick HSM autofocus bulldoze.

ISO 100 | 1/2000 sec | F3.2 | Panasonic S1R
Photo by Dan Bracaglia

And for Sony East-mount shooters, the Golden Laurels-winning Sony FE 35mm F1.4 GM strikes united states every bit most-perfect if you can stretch to its $1399 cost-tag. Its focal length and maximum aperture are identical, but it's near twenty% lighter, 16mm (0.6") shorter, focuses significantly faster and matches or exceeds the Sigma's image quality in all respects.

Compared to...

Sigma 35mm F1.four DG DN Sigma 35mm F2 DG DN Sigma 35mm F1.2 DG DN Sony 35mm F1.4 GM

Price (MSRP)

$899 $639 $1499 $1399
Mount(due south) Sony E / Leica L Sony Due east / Leica L Sony E / Leica 50 Sony E just
Optical construction 15 elements, 11 groups ten elements, ix groups 17 elements, 12 groups fourteen elements, 10 groups
Aperture blades eleven 9 11 11
Weather sealed Yep Yes, mountain-gasket only Yep Yes
AF drive Stepping motor Stepping motor Hypersonic motor XD linear motor
Minimum focus distance / max magnification 0.30 thousand (11.8″) / 0.19x 0.27 m ( / 0.18x 0.30 m (xi.viii″) / 0.20x 0.25 m (9.8) / 0.26x
Filter size 67mm 58mm 82mm 67mm
Diameter x Length
(no hood)

76mm x 112mm (3.0" x four.iv")

76mm x 110mm (iii.0" x 4.3")

70mm 10 67mm (ii.8" x two.7")

70mm x 65mm (2.8" x ii.6")

88mm x 138mm (3.5" x 5.iv")

88mm x 136mm (3.5" 10 v.4")

76mm x 96mm (iii.0" ten iii.8")

640g (22.6oz)

645g (22.8oz)

Both mounts:
325g (11.5oz)

1080g (38.1oz)

1090g (38.4oz)

524g (18.5oz)


The Sigma 35mm F1.iv DG DN Art isn't quite as meaty and lightweight as we might have expected, given that information technology'south designed specifically for mirrorless. Compared to the original DSLR-oriented 35mm F1.4, its butt diameter is about indistinguishable and its weight has only dropped by around 20-25 grams (0.7-0.nine ounces). As noted in the previous section, the size and weight reward versus the mirrorless variant of Sigma'south older pattern is rather more noticeable, notwithstanding.

Balance of the Due east-mountain version on our Sony a7R Iv trunk is fairly proficient. It's a lilliputian scrap front end-heavy, largely because while its weight hasn't fallen much, mirrorless bodies tend to be a flake lighter than DSLRs. Just regardless, we didn't observe the pairing uncomfortable to shoot with. With that said, information technology might prove a chip ungainly with smaller, lighter bodies like the original Sony a7/R.

On larger L-mount bodies like Panasonic's S1 and S1R, the Sigma 35mm balances really nicely: you may find it a bit front end-heavy on the more petite S5, but in general, the well-sized grips on Panasonic's cameras help make this lens feel a bit less heavy than it is.

Build quality is good, equally we've come up to expect from Sigma's recent prime lenses. The magnesium alloy-bodied 35mm F1.4 feels very rugged, with a well-synthetic, premium feel. Its physical controls – and especially the large, nicely-damped, buttery-polish focus ring – reinforce that feeling.

Besides equally the focus band, there are five other controls. An aperture band allows y'all to dial in your chosen aperture straight, and an unlabeled switch on the right side of the lens barrel tin be used either to lock the ring in its Motorcar position or, thoughtfully, to lock it out of the Motorcar position so you don't accidentally stray across F16 into auto mode.

The 'Auto' position on the discontinuity ring volition control aperture, well, automatically if you lot're in Program Auto or Shutter Priority modes, for example, but volition but pass off aperture command to a camera command punch if yous're in Discontinuity Priority or total Manual control.

On the left side of the barrel, top to bottom, you'll find a focus mode switch, an autofocus lock push button and a "Click" switch. This concluding can be used to de-click the discontinuity ring for smooth, stepless aperture control. As for the AF lock button, information technology'south customizable and tin be changed to provide for diverse other functions, although the precise selection on offer will exist dependent upon your photographic camera trunk.

In that location's no in-lens image stabilization, though this isn't an especially common characteristic on 35mm primes (Canon and Tamron offering exceptions hither). The Sigma does include comprehensive sealing against dust and wet. In all there are 11 seals, and these protect every switch, band, push and bring together between components, as well as the interface between lens mount and camera trunk.

Up front, there'due south a 67mm filter thread. This is both the same size used in the SLR-oriented lens from 2012, and too a common size that should show easy to find at an affordable price.

It'southward also worth noting that the L-mount variant of the Sigma 35mm F1.iv DG DN supports the company's optional USB dock, which can be used both to update firmware as necessary, and to melody the speed/sensitivity of the focus ring to your tastes. As of this writing, no equivalent dock accessory is available for Sigma's E-mount lenses, but firmware tin be also updated via the photographic camera for both E and L-mounts.

Dorsum to top

Autofocus and focus breathing

The Sigma 35mm F1.iv's autofocus is driven by a stepping motor, but since information technology has to motion but a unmarried focusing element, focusing speeds are reasonable and focus transitions in video are very smoothen. However, stills shooters used to faster, more modern linear motor speeds may be disappointed by conquering and continuous focusing speeds.

Macro focusing is possible to a respectable minimum distance of 30 cm (11.8"), which is sufficient to provide a maximum magnification of 0.19x (ane:five.4).

ISO 100 | 1/8000 sec | F1.iv | Sony a7R Iv
Photo by Chris Niccolls

If y'all prefer to use AF to arrive the ballpark then fine-tune focus manually, you'll exist pleased to hear that direct manual focus is available at all times simply by rotating the focus ring, with no need to flick switches first. Of grade, you can also disable autofocus entirely with the focus mode switch if you want to forego AF altogether.

The merely significant bad news on the focusing front will be of relevance to videographers, rather than withal shooters. Unfortunately, the 35mm F1.4 DG DN exhibits quite heavy focus animate, which gives the impression that you're zooming in and out every bit the focus distance is adjusted. The good news for video shooters, at least so long as you can live with the focus animate issue, is that AF is very repose.

ISO 320 | 1/lx sec | F1.4 | Panasonic S5
Photograph past Barney Britton

And in fairness, Sigma'southward strongest Eastward-mount rival, the otherwise-superb (and much more than expensive) Sony 35mm F1.4 One thousand Master too shows significant focus breathing, albeit non quite every bit strongly as in this lens. But it still feels like a bit of a missed opportunity for Sigma to differentiate itself from its rival, and is something of an Achilles' heel on the video front.

Dorsum to tiptop

Image quality

Since the launch of its Global Vision program in 2012, Sigma has built a reputation for great paradigm quality. Every Global Vision lens is individually checked for optical defects on a custom-made, in-house testing rig, and that coupled with excellent optical designs has seen some of its lenses outperforming even first-political party glass. In most respects, the Sigma 35mm F1.4 DG DN doesn't disappoint either, with only a couple of minor concerns and very impressive sharpness even when shooting wide-open.


ISO 100 | 1/1600 sec | F4 | Panasonic S1R
Photo by Dan Bracaglia

When focused in the centre of the frame, the Sigma 35mm F1.4 delivers great detail and even the corners are only very slightly softer wide open. There'south a slight haze to the image, or loss of contrast, wide open up, but stopping downward merely slightly to F2.viii is sufficient to get a beautifully sharp image across the whole frame. Peak sharpness is reached by F4.

Alternatively, focusing in the corner does help slightly if that'south where y'all almost demand sharpness and you prefer to shoot broad-open rather than stopping down a little. Put another manner, any edge softness that y'all come across broad open up in brick wall shots focused at the center is likely irrelevant if yous utilize a mod mirrorless organisation and place your AF point at the precise location of your off-center subject.


The 35mm F1.4 DG DN'due south eleven-bladed aperture yields nicely-rounded bokeh not simply wide-open, but fifty-fifty every bit you stop downwards to F4. And that bokeh is very clean, also, with no visible onion ring or soap bubble effects. Sigma has come up a long mode in ensuring that bokeh that does non appear busy even at the macro level in contempo designs, and information technology shows; viewing the image in its entirety below, the out-of-focus background appears pleasingly smooth.

ISO 100 | ane/160 sec | F1.4 | Sony a7R Iv
Photo by Hashemite kingdom of jordan Drake

True cat's center upshot is an issue, though, yielding football-shaped (or for not-Americans, rugby ball-shaped) bokeh, and non merely in the corners only virtually to the center of the frame at F1.iv.

Stopping down helps, but cat'southward eye is always a factor with this lens. Depending on your tastes and subject field matter, it can either lend a dynamic wait to your images or you may experience that it's busy and distracting.

ISO 200 | 1/1600 sec | F1.4 | Sony a7R 4
Photo by Jordan Drake

Flare, ghosting and sunstars

Sigma includes an upgraded plastic, petal-style lens hood in the bundle with its new 35mm F1.4, and it features both a very nice, partly rubberized butt and a more secure button-locked bayonet attachment.

ISO 100 | 1/25 sec | F16 | Sony a7R IV
Photo by Chris Niccolls

Lens flare is very well controlled, only with the lord's day in or almost the frame, you can nevertheless go quite a flake of ghosting. Sunstars are quite well defined when stopped downwards, providing a overnice outcome so long every bit y'all tin can live with the ghosting that comes mitt-in-mitt with them.

Longitudinal chromatic aberration (fringing)

Click or tap through to encounter but a bit of fringing on the chainlink fence on the centre-left portion of the frame. ISO 100 | 1/8000 sec | F1.4 | Sony a7R IV
Photograph by Chris Niccolls

The 35mm F1.4 DG DN Art is decumbent to a little bit of longitudinal chromatic aberration, also known as LoCA, although this is mutual for most lenses of this type (and its performance is far amend than the original 2012-era 35mm F1.4 Art lens for D/SLR). Where it appears, LoCA presents equally magenta fringing in front of the focus plane, and greenish fringing behind it, and these colored fringes can be catchy to get rid of in post-processing.

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What we like What nosotros don't
  • Good build quality
  • Comprehensive weather-sealing
  • Lockable, declickable aperture ring
  • Customizable AF Lock push
  • Very placidity autofocus
  • Really sharp, even broad-open in the corners
  • Very clean, nicely-rounded bokeh, even stopped down
  • Nice sunstars
  • Slap-up flare resistance
  • Rubberized, lockable lens hood
  • Not significantly smaller or lighter than its DSLR equivalent
  • Autofocus speed is on the slow side
  • Heavy focus breathing
  • Slight loss of dissimilarity broad open
  • Decumbent to cat's centre bokeh even towards the center and when stopped downwardly
  • Some longitudinal CA visible as magenta / green fringing
  • Decumbent to ghosting

Given that the Sigma 35mm F1.4 DG DN Art is available on two competing lens mounts, our concluding thoughts depend to some extent on which mount you're shooting with.

Of course its epitome quality, AF performance, handling and build are essentially identical on both mounts, but the contest on each mountain differs, and E-mountain shooters have admission to Sony's truly excellent 35mm F1.four G Master lens, admitting at a higher price-tag than Sigma's rival.

ISO 100 | one/160 sec | F2.8 | Panasonic S1R
Photo past Dan Bracaglia

Both E-mount and 50-mountain versions of the Sigma 35mm F1.4 are very sharp lenses, and in most respects can evangelize bully epitome quality even when shooting wide-open. Although in that location are issues with ghosting and cat's eye, in many situations you'll be able to work around these.

And while information technology's perhaps a tad front-heavy on smaller bodies, handling is otherwise excellent. We're fans of the lockable aperture band, silky-shine focus ring and rubberized, lockable lens hood in particular.

ISO 100 | ane/160 sec | F8 | Panasonic S5
Photo by Barney Britton

A bigger concern is the Sigma's modest autofocus performance, peculiarly when compared to Sony's very swift-focusing G Master lens if you're an E-mount shooter. And videographers volition too want to acquit in listen its significant focus animate, although that's besides an issue for the Sony lens to a somewhat lesser extent.

If you're an Fifty-mount shooter, the Sigma 35mm F1.iv represents a very dainty choice for achieving a shallow depth-of-field and overall adept image quality while staying on a reasonable budget. The Sigma 35mm F1.2 DG DN is also worthy of consideration, but you'll accept to spend a lot more and piece of work out your biceps for the benefits it can bring.

ISO 100 | one/4000 sec | F2 | Panasonic S1R
Photo past Dan Bracaglia

Only for Eastward-mountain shooters, we think the Sony 35mm F1.4 GM represents an fifty-fifty better option thanks to its smaller, lighter trunk, faster AF, lack of ghosting and bottom cat's eye and fringing; if you can stomach the substantially higher price.

If it'due south simply beyond your budget, though, there'southward certainly plenty to like in the well-baked results delivered by the Sigma, even when shooting wide-open.

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Sample galleries

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East-mount version with Sony a7R Four

L-mount version with Panasonic S1R / S5

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